Enchilada Caserole

Does anyone not love Mexican food??  Refried beans, cheese, avocados- what’s not to love??  We don’t make a lot of Mexican-style food at home and I really don’t know why.  It hits my taste buds in all the right places.  This was the first enchilada style dish I’ve ever tried to make and I made…

Lemon Semifreddo with Summer Berries

I don’t do a whole lot of dessert posts on here because, to be honest, I’m a horrible baker and most desserts involve baking.  Whenever they don’t, I shine.  And baby, I am shining. Lemon in just about anything has really grown on me as I’ve gotten older.  A simple arugula salad with a lemon…

Update & the Best Steak Dish You’ll Ever Eat

I don’t know if I’ve ever taken a 7 month hiatus from anything!!  Sorry about that, guys, but a lot has been going on.  Many of you that know me personally know that I live in New Jersey- well… not anymore!!  We packed up and moved down to South Carolina into this beautiful house: (yeah…